"I know that You can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted."
[Job 42:2]
Can you believe it is the last week of 2022? This year has flown by and it has been one I will never forget.

I put on my vision board “write devotionals” at the end of 2021. I had no idea who I would write them to or what the format would be, but God did.
Prior to that I had been to a conference themed “Ask Big” and I left the first half with tears because I realized I had laid my dreams and visions down in 2020 with COVID.
I felt that surely the rapture would happen soon, so why focus on anything big. I was wrong to give up like that. I repented for not believing that the things God had put in my heart would come to pass.
My friend, our God keeps His promises.
In her book Birthing the Miraculous, Heidi Baker tells a story of how she was near death due to sickness. God had given her a vision for taking in a million orphaned children before she went Home to be with the Lord, so she rose up in faith for her healing because she had not completed her task of taking those children in.
She is still alive, taking in orphans!
The Ask Big conference was a divine appointment for me and it challenged me to ask big when I had not asked for anything. My relationship with the Lord was not in a bad place, but my vision for the future was.
Has the Lord given you a vision for the future? Maybe it’s feeding the hungry, starting a business where you can share Jesus in the workplace, starting a Bible study, making blankets for the homeless or just buying people’s groceries.
If you are seeking the Lord and spending time in His presence please don’t think those life changing ideas are to be tossed aside.
Max Lucado wrote a book called, It’s Not About Me and in it He talks about how the moon is a reflection of the sun and we are a reflection of God.
The visions and dreams He gives us are opportunities to shine His light! It’s not about us and our success or accomplishments or sacrifices, it’s about HIM and His glory!
Loving people with His love and bringing people into the Kingdom Family! What is your purpose? What has the Father called you to share with the world? Ask Him to open the doors for you to accomplish what He has created you to do!
Dig Deeper
James 4:2-3 | Jeremiah 33:3 | Jeremiah 29:11 | 1 Peter 2:9 | Job 42:2