"Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” John 20:27

I appreciate how the testimony of those that have gone before us reveal that they had weaknesses. Not for us to judge, but for us to relate!
Thomas loved the Lord and in John 11 when Jesus was wanting to go see Lazarus, Thomas was willing to go and die with Him. Yes, he was doubting that they would live through this, but he was willing to go with Jesus. Thomas was a faithful disciple.
Later, Thomas did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until Jesus addressed him personally. We need to know this quality of Jesus. Our Savior is kind, He knows our weaknesses, and He meets us where we are at. Yes, He will correct us and call us out of that weakness, but He loves us. After eight days Jesus came through shut doors and showed Thomas He was alive. He even told Thomas to touch His hands and side which is the very thing Thomas said to the other disciples. Jesus directly addressed the unbelief and spoke truth into Thomas' heart. Jesus didn't have to make this effort for Thomas, but He did. Jesus knew that Thomas loved Him, but just struggled to believe what he couldn't see. Jesus knew Thomas' heart.
Today I want you to know that God sees our weakness, and He loves us anyway. I wonder why Jesus waited eight days. Maybe He knew it was the perfect moment for Thomas to overcome his unbelief. Maybe Thomas never struggled with lack of faith again. Eight means new beginnings so since the Holy Spirit inspired the written Word, I believe that is significant. When we have an encounter with Jesus and He meets us at our weakness and speaks truth and love into us, it becomes a new beginning for us.
I pray today that you know you are blessed! Verse 29 Jesus tells Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." I call you blessed my friend! When you call on our Lord and Savior Jesus know that He loves you and He calls you blessed because you believe He is alive. Soak in His love for you!
photo by: Adrien King on unsplash
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John 11 | Galatians 3:26-27 | Romans 10:11 | 1John 5:5