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Blessing in the Breaking

Writer's picture: Cheyenne KizerCheyenne Kizer

“The LORD came and stood there, calling as the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’” 1 Samuel 3:10

I’m not sure I will ever be able to remember this as I’m in the middle of a season of being broken and sifted, but I always realize at some point that God’s goodness still pours out in the midst. His goodness is not dependent on how we feel or what is going on in our life. He is good ALL THE TIME.

We know God speaks through our circumstances, people, the Holy Spirit, prayer, His word, and even dreams, but sometimes it takes a minute in our frustration to hear what He is saying.

As a young boy Samuel thought Eli was calling his name in the night, and after the third time Eli realized that the Lord was speaking to Samuel. Samuel just didn’t recognize God’s voice yet. This absolutely can be applied to our lives.

We sometimes think that the shift or squeeze we feel is just life not going our way. The Lord can use these moments to sift something out that will make you more like Him. He may be placing you right where you need to be to have an encounter with Him like never before. That whisper that we think is something coincidental or common may be Him repeatedly trying to get our attention. He loves us so much and wants to have communion with us. He wants us to know His goodness and He wants that fruit of His Spirit to pour out of us into others.

This past week I was being squeezed, but one of life’s greatest blessings happened right in the middle. My son accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior! God’s goodness is not dependent on me having it all together. In fact, in my weakness God graciously gave me the opportunity to pray with him to accept Jesus. God is good my friend, and His goodness is speaking love over us even when we are broken. God give us ears to hear You!

Dig Deeper

1 Samuel 3 | Romans 8:28 | John 10:27-28



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