"Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always." 1 Chronicles 1611

Our family loves the mountains. We cherish our memories, and the pictures really do say a1000 words! Skiing is fun, but sledding has become a laughter filled adventure. It's worth the climb up the hill to get to fly down on that sled and wonder where you'll end up! Everyone is hooping, hollering and laughing. Parents are hoping no one goes over the hill that is supposed to slow you down, and watching out to make sure no one gets clotheslined by an out-of-control sled! The snow is just FUN!
Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes we are trudging up a hill out of breath, helping someone that fell down, or sometimes we are being helped. It's hard walking uphill. "How much further?" "I am tired." "Will this be worth it?" On the flip side, sometimes we are coasting down the hill with pure peace enjoying the moment, but let's not forget the times we are flying at top speed just holding on for dear life. Isn't this what life feels like sometimes?
We can know in those moments that the Lord is with us, and we can have joy in the journey. Joy comes with those we are able to do life with, in the beauty that surrounds us, and most of all, knowing that there is hope for what is ahead. We can always have hope. Hopelessness is never an option because of what Christ did for us. Our greatest hope is in heaven.
I heard Rick Warren say that life is not mountains and valleys, but rather it's more like the railroad tracks that go between. This is because in every season there are mountains and valleys at the same time. There's always something we are waiting on, believing for, or healing from. Life is difficult, and there is always something hard. At the same time there is always something good, something to be grateful for, and something to praise God for!
I've attached this picture of my husband on our sledding adventure. Behind him you can see there is a drop off, and I held my breath every time he came flying down the hill. He didn't hold his breath at all. In fact, he liked to see how close he could get. We all look at life's adventures a little different! Whether you are flying through life with intention or holding on for dear life, catching your breath or picking yourself up, I pray you feel God's presence in the moment. I pray you know He is near, and that He loves you. Let's be intentional about building our faith by reading the Word, and let's be grateful for the blessings He has given us. God is good, my friends...in the mountains and in the valleys.
Dig Deeper
Romans 15:13 | Jeremiah 29:11 | Isaiah 40:31 | 2 Corinthians 4:18
Thanks for this message...I'm currently headed up the hill hoping I'm near the top. I'm not holding my breath...I know who is in control!