"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation..." Psalm 51:12

When did you get saved? Were you a child and even in your innocence realized you needed Jesus in your heart? Were you a train wreck and needed a Savior that could turn your life around? Were you broken and needed a loving Father that sent His Son to die for you?
I don't know your story, but I know I would love it! Any story that involves Jesus saving a soul and restoring a life to communion with the Father is a beautiful story!
My husband can look at an old rusty car and see the potential for a car show winner. He knows what it takes to restore a pile of junky metal to a beautiful prize. Sometimes it has to be completely taken apart and put back together.
Our Heavenly Father is in the restoration business. When we make a decision to follow Him our Spirit is immediately transformed, but our soul needs work. Our soul is our mind, will and emotions and it has to be transformed by the Word. That's where the restoration takes place. We have to spend time in the Word and let His truth restore those rusty and torn parts of our heart. When I think of the people that Jesus encountered, I think of how He saw them restored before He healed them! He didn't see what everyone else did! My friend, He sees you differently than you see yourself. Why don't you ask Him what He sees? Ask Him what part of your heart needs to be restored today?
I pray that the joy of His salvation and the beauty of His restoration in your life be something you cannot keep quiet about!
Dig Deeper
2 Corinthians 5:17 | Matthew 6:33 | Romans 15:13 | 2 Corinthians 13:9-11