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Writer's picture: Cheyenne KizerCheyenne Kizer

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these... But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.." Luke 12:25-27,31

This last week I had conversations with a few of my dear friends and mentors. I am so grateful for their wisdom and grace, and we should never hesitate to go to those that have gone before us and ask for guidance. The Lord wants us to encourage and "spur one another along".

One thing that was said to me is that the Lord was giving me an invitation to join Him in whatever He was doing that day. Instead of inviting Him into my day, accept His invitation and join Him in my everyday activities. We don't have to worry about what is next, but we can just enjoy the day He has given us and journey with Him! There is no pressure that we are going to miss an opportunity or feel an urgency to complete an assignment when He is merely calling us to slow down and just walk with Him.

What does He want to show you about Himself today? Who does He need you to show His love to? Where does He need you to take His presence today? How is He showing you He loves you?

This week Rayce and his dog went fishing at the tank so I walked to go see them. There was a beautiful hidden patch of bluebonnets on the path that I walk all the time so I stopped to take this photo. We walked home together and oh how I enjoyed chatting with my little boy. As we walked through the patch of bluebonnets I had just walked through 10 minutes prior, Rayce took a big breath and said, "That smells so good!" I stopped and breathed in, and he was right, it did smell amazing! The next patch I had to get on my hands and knees just to smell again because I needed one more sniff! Had he not been with me I wouldn't have smelled them. He was just enjoying the moment and while I was enjoying his company, he was soaking up creation. When I asked the Lord what His invitation was for that day, He reminded me of this little walk.

So many times we are on a mission and He has these moments He just wants to show us His glory and splendor. Our creator loves all of His creation! I needed to remember His promise to not worry and enjoy just walking and talking with Him. I pray today you accept His invitation to journey with Jesus and see what unexpected blessing He has for you. Love you my friends!

Dig Deeper

Hebrews 10:24-25 | Proverbs 3:5-6 | Psalm 119:105 | Colossians 2:6



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