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Unique With a Purpose

Writer's picture: Cheyenne KizerCheyenne Kizer

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27

When we are adopted into the Kingdom of God, we become brothers and sisters to others that were also once orphans. We may be different, but we have a seat at our Father's table. Just like an earthly family has children that are all unique with different personalities and interests, so is our heavenly family. Some are content basking in His presence, twirling in the wind. Others are furiously trying to get things accomplished and in order. There are always some that are socializing and loving other Kingdom siblings. Then there's those that are just trying to find a quiet place away from the chaos of life.

The danger we all face is trying to be someone we are not and thinking the Lord doesn't love our uniqueness as much as He loves someone else's.

I have always loved Peter the disciple, but recently my heart was moved by his brother Andrew. Andrew spent time with Jesus and then shared with Peter that they had found the Messiah. I wish I could have seen his face when he shared with Peter! Don't you know his excitement was overwhelming and uncontainable.

Andrew also told Jesus about the little boy that had the fish and loaves. Maybe he didn't have the faith yet to know what Jesus could do, but he at least told Jesus what was available. He took the boy and his lunch to Jesus.

Last, Andrew introduced the Greeks to Jesus. They said, "we would like to see Jesus." Oh, how I want people to ask me that!

Andrew had a way of taking people to Jesus. He may not have delivered a powerful message in Acts like his brother Peter, but Peter might not have known Jesus if Andrew hadn't told him.

I would like to say to you today, don't compare yourself to anyone else. God loves you and He created you for a unique purpose. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and He wired you to accomplish things for the Kingdom that no one else can do. Don't ever let the enemy lie to you that your busyness for the Kingdom is what determines His love for you. He loves you if you dance with butterflies, organize and accomplish, lead fearlessly, or sit at His feet.

Father, help us not to judge people for being different than us, and help us not condemn ourselves for being different than others. Mold us to be more like You, Jesus, and as we become more like You, allow us to bring others to You. Amen

Dig Deeper

John 1:39-42 | John 6:8-9 | John 12:20-22 | 1 Corinthians 12


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