"Two are better than one…if one of them falls down, one can help the other up...a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
[Ecclesiastes 4:9-12]

Recently while on an evening walk to clear my head I got a phone call from my seven year old niece telling me that I need to come to the barn because her mama fell and hurt herself.
“Who carries you and who do you carry?”
I quickly rerouted my steps and arrived to find my sister-in-law lying on the ground in the dirt thinking she broke her ankle.
Thank the Lord it was just a bad sprain, but our family usually doesn’t go through anything without a few laughs.
One of the laughs was the size of the hole that caused the fall… it wasn’t even an actual hole. The ground was just uneven with a few rocks. She stepped out of the Ranger just right, rolled her ankle and ended up on the ground in pain.
I have two things I’d like to say about this little story as it compares to our spiritual walk.
First, sometimes little things can cause us to fall into sin. It’s so important that we have our armor on and walk in the Spirit, so we don’t stumble.
This doesn’t mean only sin that is outward, this can mean a “little rock” like bitterness, unforgiveness, anger or judgement. Something we think we have the right to feel or have in our heart, but really it is sin, and we are responsible for our reaction to our circumstances. We can most definitely be a victim of someone else’s sin, but our reaction to that is ours to deal with. Jesus can walk us through that hurt, but we must invite Him into that situation and see it through His eyes.
The second lesson is that we need each other. I was so thankful that I was available to help and that she has come to my rescue at times also. I am even more thankful that I have people that would pick me up out of the dirt of my mess, love me and take me to Jesus so I can be well.
Remember the story of the paralyzed man whose friends lowered him through the roof so Jesus could heal him? It is the most precious blessing when we have brothers and sisters in Christ that can lower us through the roof to have an encounter with our Savior.
Who carries you and who do you carry?
It’s a partnership, a team, a family and it is a gift from God. Celebrate your people and tell them you love them, and if you don’t have this then ask the Father and see what He does for His beloved child!
I pray the Holy Spirit gives you counsel to see the pitfalls, that Jesus walks with you, and that the Father gives you people that support you!
Dig Deeper
Luke 5:17-39 | Hebrews 12:15 | Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 | 1 Corinthians 10:12